Tuesday, July 31, 2007


tired from a leisurely day and not full in spite of having consumed more than usual. holland v in the late morning/early afternoon catching up with mel, we had gelare waffles and ice-cream, followed by noodles and dim sum at crystal jade. stocked up on my favourite egg tarts - the portugese ones and the usual. then it was haji lane and arab street with genny, where we also stopped to get dessert at b bakery since, 2 hours after lunch, my tummy needed refilling again. apple sage cake and some silly convo lightened me up following some perturbing news i received earlier on. i am okay now - just give me some time and i will be fine. back home and my pretty package has arrived. managed to finish a brilliant piece of writing, and i am ready to hit the sack again.

10:47 PM

Sunday, July 29, 2007

my life, post-america.

another new blog, to mark a new phase of life.

i've been back for almost a week, and i'm still adjusting.

my suitcases have yet to be unpacked, as i've been busy emptying my room of the dusty contents of a previous life i can't seem to identify with anymore.

i've got my nose buried in some great reads i picked up at the library, after 7 months of not reading a novel.

i've ventured out to orchard road once, for shopping and dinner with the lovely gen, and got overwhelmed by the copious amounts of singlish on the streets.

i've gone back to good 'ol ghim moh market for my usual brunch of tau huay, appom and teh si.

and above all i've missed america like crazy.

but it's back to reality for now, with lots more to accomplish in the week ahead before school starts, yet again.

5:20 PM


a refuge of necessary silliness in a lifetime of monumental concerns


retail therapy, photography, late night drives, beautiful places and things, travelling, sunsets, beaches, snow, pink, desserts, literature, wining & dining, candlelit dinners, italian food, cream cheese bagels, white chocolate mocha, engaging conversations, hugs & cuddles, penguins & bunnies


Starry Designs
Pieces of Kandee
Michy Moo


July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007


Mrs Brendon Urie