Wednesday, November 28, 2007
exams are over. i'm tired so hence the lack of excitement
i need this break to put myself together again
i feel so different from who i was when i left america
got some books to read from orchard library
i haven't read a novel since july :/
aaaand i think i may be moving to wordpress cuz i like the layout better
but we'll see:)
Labels: frivolity, musings, vacation
12:11 AM
Friday, November 23, 2007
almost there2 more papers to go!
my motivation to study has unfortunately dissipated
i have a sodding cold which kept my cranium clogged for a good half of the day
and i didn't do well for that long long essay i spent so much time and effort on.
5:02 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lets101 - Free Online Dating
Labels: lol
11:40 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
(-) i am so bored of studying for monday's paper.
(-) i am bored and tired of studying in general, force feeding myself with copious amounts of information (of which a minute percent turns up in the exam) day after day is starting to feel like a meaningless routine.
(-) i hate critters!!
i am in need of some good food. something decadent, calorific and sweet.
Labels: grouses
11:26 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
first paper over, it was okay. a bit shaky, considering how i haven't taken a proper exam in a year. i had no exams in the states, coincidentally all the classes i took only required me to turn in final papers. i didn't choose them as such:p
i don't feel like studying anymore tonight but i have a paper on monday. hence the dawdling online.
a beautiful pair of earrings came in the mail today. i am going through my freshwater pearl phase right now...but i also love the sterling silver beadcaps that top each pearl. so exquisite. eyeing another pretty pair...sigh.
Labels: frivolity, retail therapy, school
10:25 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
i just had a brainwave!!
baby blue eyeliner, perhaps juxtaposed with a dark eyeshadow (preferably in chocolate brown).
ok i was staring at a photo of keri russell who was featured in lucky magazine and they had this close up shot of her...she is just so amazingly pretty and her eyes were lined in violet.
tonight's rants are uncharacteristically frivolous.
Labels: frivolity, retail therapy
11:10 PM
i'm trying to peel myself away from kate spade's lovely 2008 organizer, telling myself that the USD20 price tag is not worth it.
i've also wandered over to the bag section where something lovely caught my eye. and then i told myself that the price tag (USD275) is too hefty for the material (oxford nylon trimmed with patent calfskin leather).
i hope my sensibility wins.
Labels: frivolity, retail therapy
9:24 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
consciously aware that i've slipped into this mode again
doing things for the sake of doing them
waiting for things to be over and done with
plodding through the days with a heavy heart
but not putting my heart into anything in particular
oh the drudgery.
11:00 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
numberstrying to be remotely productive. progress is slow, and hitting 4000 words is far reaching for now.
had 2 lattes this morning which made me really wired, spent an hour-ish travelling from work to school, stayed for all of 5 minutes because the project was finished by the time i reached, and went home.
attempted to sleep, but failed terribly because the kids in the school next door were learning how to sing deepavali songs, and construction was going on, but somehow i must have fallen asleep somehow and woke up just before six.
and now i am seriously contemplating if i should get that gorgeous dress from anthropologie together with that top i have been thinking of for about a month now but that would set me back by $240.
plus there is the stila palette on sephora along with all the other goodies that will come with the promo code i received in my email yesterday.
Labels: musings, school
11:03 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
i had so much time to day but couldn't get started on my 4000 word paper. argh!!! over the past few days i've been sidetracked by other things when i would very much rather have focused on school. i'm tired and close to the end of my tether but i'm trying to be patient. all i want right now is to just devote as much time as possible to finishing this last paper and then go right to studying for exams, not doing things for other people or spending 2 hours to fix up some email on outlook. now i'm sleepy again and will probably have to continue tomorrow.
12:56 AM